The 5 Best Investment Books - Value and Capital

The 5 Best Investment Books

Discover the 5 best investment books and find out where to start studying before embarking on your career in the financial market.


In recent years, the financial market has become one of the most discussed and sought-after topics, fuelling the interest of a growing number of people in making investments and finding out more about one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world.

To be a good investor, you need to be aware of market updates, but more importantly, you need to study hard. The more you know, the more likely you are to succeed in this field.

And one of the best ways to get concise information that will guide you on your journey is through reading. Reading the right investment books will illuminate your path and clear up some doubts about the financial market. It's always good to learn from the best.

Knowing where to start, which materials to prioritise and what the first steps are to begin your investments is a differentiator that can avoid risks, wrong choices and discouragement. Investment books can also help you to be better but also to prepare yourself for setbacks.


Some books offer a solid foundation for those wishing to improve their financial knowledge. Each book covers specific aspects of the market, from fundamental concepts to advanced investment strategies.

By providing clear and structured guidance, these resources help readers gain a comprehensive understanding of how the financial market works and the principles governing investments.

Investing time in reading these investment books not only provides practical and theoretical knowledge, but also offers an opportunity for investors to develop their own investment approach and strategy.

Each author brings their unique perspective and experience to enrich the reader's understanding, allowing them to build a solid foundation for making informed and strategic investment decisions.

Here are the five best investment books for those who are just starting out or want to increase their knowledge of the financial market.

Top 5 Investment Books

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lechter

    Book Rich Dad, Poor Dad

    The first book we've listed is, of course, the best-seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad from the author Robert Kiyosaki. Many consider this book to be a watershed in financial education.

    Robert Kiyosaki explains simply and objectively how you can achieve financial independence through investments, property and entrepreneurship.

    He makes an analogy between the two fathers he had throughout his life, his Rich Dad (who was the father of his best friend) and his Poor Dad (his biological father who had a traditional job and worked from 8am to 6pm as a teacher).

    In the narrative, Kiyosaki explains various financial concepts that make you reflect on how your life is today and how you could change it, if you are in an employed/self-employed situation. It's well worth reading and is undoubtedly one of the world's great financial education books.

    2. From a Thousand to a Million - Without Cutting the Coffee - Thiago Nigro

      Book From a Thousand to a Million

      Primo Rico, as he has become known in recent years, is behind the book From a Thousand to a Million - Without cutting out the coffee. Thiago Nigro is today considered one of Brazil's great gurus and investors, and one of the people responsible for the entire financial education culture implemented in recent years.

      In this book, Thiago presents various strategies on how to get started in the world of investments, regardless of your current financial situation.

      He shows how you can structure your financial life so that part of your monthly earnings goes into investments, whether fixed income or variable income. One of the main pillars the author focuses on before starting any investment is creating an Emergency Reserve.

      If you still don't know what an Emergency Reserve is and how to make one, click here and read our article on the subject.

      3. Make Fortune with Shares - Décio Bazin

        Book Make Fortune with Shares

        One of the books that couldn't be missing from our list is Make a fortune with shares - before it's too late, by Décio Bazin. In this book, the author shows how the Brazilian stock market works and the investment strategies used by the market's leading names.

        Investing for the long term and in dividend-paying companies is one of the pillars of the book. Décio Bazin uses simple, objective and clear language about investments, making it possible for people of any level of understanding to grasp the topics he deals with.

        It is a book highly recommended by all readers, and for many, it is the gateway to the world of finance.

        4. The intelligent investor - Benjamin Graham

          Book The Intelligent Investor

          "By far the best book on investments ever written."

          Warren buffet

          Just seeing that sentence above makes you want to read this book, right? Exactly! The greatest investor of all time, Warren Buffet, is one of the figures who recommends the book The Intelligent Investor.

          Considered one of the greatest financial advisors of the 20th century, the author Benjamin Graham portrays long-term investment strategies in his work.

          In addition, one of Graham's main ideas in this book is to make sure that investors don't make mistakes in their investments. "If you have to read only one book on investing in your entire life, let it be this one." - Message from Fortune about the book. So, is this book valuable?

          5. Out of the Curve - Florian Bartunek

          Book Out of the Curve

            To finalise our list, we bring you a book telling the story of some of Brazil's leading investors - Luiz Fernando Figueiredo, Meyer Joseph Nigri, Antonio Bonchristiano, André Jakurski, Florian himself, among others.

            Out of the Curve is a book written by Florian Bartunek, in which he gives interviews with the main names in the Brazilian stock market. As well as Florian, Pierre Moreau and Giuliana Napolitano took part in the creation of the book.

            If you're just starting out in the world of investments, there's nothing better than knowing how the main names in the market operate and what they've done to reach the heights they have today. It is estimated that more than R$80 billion is the total amount managed by all of them. Is it worth it?

            This is our list of the top 5 investment and financial education books in Brazil and around the world! Acquiring knowledge from those who have already reached unimaginable heights is the best way to "shorten" your journey.

            And the most valuable investment you can make today is in yourself. That's why we'd like to end with a reflection on this phrase:

            "Nothing happens by chance because chance only favours prepared minds."
            So be prepared, because you never know when chance will strike.

            Read also: The main investment strategies


            Valor e Capital is a purely informative site aimed at enriching our users with financial content, we are not linked to any company and we do not make suggestions for buying or selling assets, do not share personal information in the comments.

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            Leonardo Augusto
            Leonardo Augusto

            I'm Leonardo Augusto, editor and designer at Valor e Capital. My mission is to create an engaging visual and textual experience for our readers. With a keen eye for detail and a taste for design, I always aim to deliver well-structured content that is not only informative, but also enjoyable to consume. Whether I'm writing about finance, trends or apps, or creating layouts that complement the ideas, my aim is to ensure that every visit to the site is intuitive, fluid and visually striking. I'm always looking for ways to combine aesthetics and functionality, so that our readers have the best possible experience.

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