Get to know the Smiling Brazil Programme - Value and Capital

Get to know the Smiling Brazil Programme

Find out all about the Smiling Brazil programme that has improved the oral health of millions of Brazilians

One of the greatest characteristics of Brazilians is the samba on their feet and the smile on their face. Having the freedom to smile without shame or fear is one of the best things there is. Smiles have the incredible ability to transmit joy, health and open doors.

Thinking about the oral health of Brazilians and how this area is one of the most affected when the financial situation tightens, the federal government created the Smiling Brazil programme, with the aim of universalising dental treatment among Brazilians.

The programme, which was initially launched almost two decades ago, was relaunched in 2023 with new policies, teams, services and a model that will expand and cover more than 800 cities nationwide.

In practice, the programme aims to establish that federal, state and municipal managers maintain dental services for the entire population, making them a constant priority and not thrown into the background.

The new Smiling Brazil guidelines also include the implementation of at least 10 mobile dental units that will provide oral treatment in hard-to-reach areas.

The programme also includes 19 new centres focusing on dental specialities and 552 new regional dental prostheses laboratories (LRPD).

Smiling Brazil stands out as an important and decisive national oral health policy that aims to universalise access to dentistry and promote a genuine transformation in the lives of the Brazilian people, especially those on low incomes.

In this article, we've put together some of the main information you need to know about the Smiling Brazil Programme and how it is an important and essential initiative to bring smiles back to the faces of Brazilians.

What is the Smiling Brazil Programme?

The Smiling Brazil Programme began in 2004, implemented by the Ministry of Health. Its main objective is to guarantee actions to promote, prevent and recover the oral health of Brazilians.

In 2023, the programme received new funding from the federal government, along with some new guidelines aimed at expanding Smiling Brazil. The aim is for more and more Brazilians to have access to quality treatments that will help improve their quality of life and reduce social inequalities.

Brasil Sorridente offers a wide range of services, from basic care to complex procedures, and is part of the Unified Health System (SUS). It is considered one of the main dental public health milestones in the country's history.

By emphasising prevention and health promotion in addition to the treatment of diseases, the programme aims to guarantee long-term results and raise awareness about oral health.

It also improves professional training and sets quality standards in dental care, contributing to a reduction in dental problems and a country with healthier smiles.

Actions and programmes offered by Smiling Brazil

In addition to dental treatments, the Smiling Brazil programme is also responsible for and linked to various actions and programmes of the Ministry of Health.

Some of the actions included in the programme are:

  • School Health Programme;
  • National plan for people with disabilities;
  • Workers' Health;
  • Environmental surveillance;
  • Fluoridation of public water supplies.
  • Qualification of managers and health professionals.
  • And more.

Benefits of the Programme

Overall, the Smiling Brazil Programme plays a crucial role in promoting oral health in the country, especially benefiting those with limited access to health services.

The programme maintains its relevance in the dental field and seeks to expand its initiatives to reach a wider audience. Some of the main benefits include:

  • Increased access to oral health care for all Brazilians.
  • Providing free, high-quality dental services.
  • Priority focus on low-income families and vulnerable groups.
  • Comprehensive treatment, from simple problems to emergencies.
  • Assistance in remote areas through mobile oral health units.
  • Establishment of Dental Speciality Centres in various locations.
  • Creation of Regional Dental Prosthesis Laboratories to facilitate access to prostheses.
  • Contribution to the promotion of oral health and the improvement of the population's quality of life.

Dental Implants

One of the most significant services in the programme is the Dental implants. With implants offered free of charge by SUS, the Smiling Brazil programme has provided access to a treatment considered inaccessible to many Brazilians due to the high cost, and through the programme everything is 100% free.

In addition to technical advances, implants improve masticatory function and aesthetics, which considerably improves patients' quality of life and self-esteem.

The success of this type of treatment depends on resources in specialised centres and the patient's cooperation with the care guidelines.

But despite the demand and the strict protocols, we can see that this opportunity for dental restoration in the public health system reflects the programme's commitment to quality dentistry for everyone.

Who can take part in Smiling Brazil

Brasil Sorridente services are available to all Brazilians registered with SUS, so if you don't have your SUS registration up to date, just go to the nearest unit to your home and update your details with your personal documents.

Although it's for everyone, it's important to note that the programme's main focus is on the most vulnerable and low-income groups in society.

This means that the waiting time can vary depending on the treatment indicated and required, but also on your social class.

Priority treatment is defined according to family income, type of treatment, age and urgency.

How to access free dental services

To gain access to the programme, simply go to the Health Unit closest to your home and see if you already have an active SUS registration, if not, update your details at the health unit itself.

In general, you need to take the following steps to get your free treatment:

  1. Check availability in your area: Visit a health centre or care unit to see if the services are available in your municipality.
  2. Have your SUS card ready: Take your Unified Health System (SUS) card with you and provide all the information requested by the professionals.
  3. Book your first appointment: Book an appointment to see if free care is available in your area.
  4. Referral for specific treatments: If necessary, the professionals will refer you for surgery or additional treatments according to the initial assessment.

The process is simplified and seeks to guarantee fair access to oral health services. In other words, those interested should go to the nearest health centre to receive information about the treatments available at their unit and undergo an initial assessment by the oral health team.

Once you have been assessed, you will be directed to treatment according to the services available in your region. You can find out more about the programme directly at official website of the federal government.

The impact of Smiling Brazil on public health

Although the cost of dental treatment has fallen considerably over the years with technological advances, unfortunately most Brazilians cannot afford good treatment and end up neglecting their oral health.

The implementation and expansion of the Smiling Brazil Programme has been fundamental to improving oral health in the country, and its impact has been increasingly positive on the lives of Brazilians, especially the low-income and most vulnerable.

Municipalities in various regions have adopted social dentistry practices based on this programme, seeking to make dental care more accessible to the population. And the recent updating of the programme, together with more investment, has made it even more accessible and with more treatments available, without the patient having to wait long in line.

The positive impact of the programme on the lives of Brazilians translates directly into a reduction in serious dental problems and a better quality of life for Brazilians.

Through this programme, social dentistry has emerged as an essential component of public health promotion, encompassing prevention, treatment and ensuring a healthy smile for all.

The constant expansion and improvement of the programme indicate significant advances in social dentistry in the country, highlighting the importance of inclusive public policies in the health area.

The users' testimonies highlight how Smiling Brazil has transformed their lives, giving them confident, pain-free smiles].

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Bruno Ramos
Bruno Ramos
Articles: 12