Finance - Value and Capital


emergency reserve

How to get your Emergency Reserve?

How's your Emergency Reserve? Here's how to save and keep part of your financial resources in a simple and objective way Building up an emergency reserve is the first step towards achieving a balanced financial life, and should be adopted by anyone who wants greater security - financial and psychological - in times of scarcity. Every...

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private pension scheme

Learn all about Private Pensions

Discover some important concepts about Private Pensions and see some tips to start investing in yours Thinking about retirement is associated only with old age, but many young people forget that in order to achieve it, you have to think about it from a young age. With the new INSS rules, many people have opted for Private Pensions, which have become an option...

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stock brokers

Stockbrokers: What are they?

See how stock brokers work and learn about the main brokers in the Brazilian market, so you can invest your money and make your investments Before you start your life in the financial market, it's important to understand how some things work within the sector and to know what stock brokers are and how important it is to know how to choose one for your...

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short selling

How does Short Selling work?

Find out how Short Selling works in the stock market and how to apply it to your investment list When you buy something you're interested in, it's common to expect it to go through a period of depreciation and loss of value. When you buy a car, for example, it's certain that as soon as it leaves...

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investment strategies

The main investment strategies

Discover some of the main investment strategies and find out how to make the financial market profitable for yourself When you start your journey in the financial market, you need to acquire a lot of knowledge, keep up to date and, above all, draw up good investment strategies that will help you and guide you throughout your process in search of profitability in this sector. In the market there are different...

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Fintechs and their Financial Revolution

See how fintechs have revolutionised the financial market, and learn how the whole financial landscape has changed with their emergence In recent years, we have witnessed a revolution in the financial sector driven by the rise of fintechs. These financial start-ups, characterised by technological innovation and operational agility, have radically transformed the way we deal with finance. By combining technology...

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stock exchange

Invest in the stock market in 5 steps

Here's how you can invest in the stock market by following a few steps that will help you achieve your goals within the financial market Investing in the stock market has become a reality for more and more Brazilians. Whether they do it right or wrong, the fact is that the number of investors has grown a lot in recent years, mainly due to the ease with which...

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Brazilian stock exchange

The Brazilian Stock Market Boom

Find out what's behind the significant growth in new investors in B3, the Brazilian Stock Exchange, and how this growth is expected to continue More and more Brazilians are investing in the Brazilian Stock Exchange, which has caught the attention of analysts in the sector, since this growth is expected to continue for the next few years. This significant increase has been...

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How do flippers work in IPOs?

Find out what Flippers are during the launch of IPOs, and see how these investors make a quick profit from this transaction In the financial world there are many different strategies, investments and activities. And one of the most "famous" strategies in this market is the actions of flippers, who are investors who participate in IPOs (Initial Public Offerings). IPOs are the process by which a private company offers its shares for the first time, allowing outside investors to buy a stake in the company. To act as a flipper, you need a lot of knowledge and study. Because flippers aim to buy shares at a low price in the initial phase and sell them quickly after the initial appreciation on the secondary market. In other words, to be successful you need to be very attentive to market movements. Firstly, we need to understand that in order to take part in an IPO, you need to have an account with a stockbroker, make a reservation request for the amount of money you would like to invest and how much you would pay for each share (investors are given an average amount that the company will be going public at per share). After this process, on the day stipulated by the commission, the value set per share and the number of shares that each individual investor will be able to buy will be announced. When a company goes public, all investors are enthusiastic about its proposals and short, medium and long-term prospects. If it's a company with vision, in a promising market niche, with growing earnings and profitability and excellent management, the number of shares traded on the day of the Public Offering is very large and tends to generate a very high valuation on the same day. As a result, investors who have reserved shares [...]
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