Leonardo Augusto - Valor e Capital
Leonardo Augusto

Leonardo Augusto

All about Desenrola Brasil

unwind brazil

Learn all about the Desenrola Brasil programme, a government initiative that promises to clear your name from credit protection agencies One of the problems that most hinders the economy is the indebtedness of the population. People in debt and with...

CNH Social: see how to apply

social licence

Get to know the CNH Social (Social Driver's Licence) and find out how to apply for this benefit, making it possible to get your longed-for driving licence Getting a driving licence is the dream of many people, especially young people...

Banco Inter Card, Request yours

inter bank card

Find out how to apply for your Banco Inter card and enjoy all the benefits that this credit card can offer its customers Since its inception, the credit card has become one of the greatest financial facilities available on the market. With...

The 5 Best Investment Books

investment books

Discover the 5 best investment books and find out where to start studying before embarking on your career in the financial market In recent years, the financial market has become one of the most discussed and sought-after topics, fuelling...

Learn all about Private Pensions

private pension scheme

Discover some important concepts about Private Pensions and see some tips to start investing in your own Thinking about retirement is associated only with old age, but many young people forget that in order to achieve it, you need to think about it from...

The main investment strategies

investment strategies

Discover some of the main investment strategies and learn how to make the financial market profitable for you When you start your journey in the financial market, you need to acquire a lot of knowledge, keep up to date and, above all, devise good investment strategies that...

What does "IPO" mean?


Find out now what IPO means and how they work within the financial market and how to profit from this transaction The stock market brings with it a very broad and even somewhat complex vocabulary...