Learn all about the Desenrola Brasil programme, a government initiative that promises to clear your name from credit protection agencies.
One of the problems that most hinders the economy is the indebtedness of the population. People in debt and with a bad name buy less, and this consequently causes problems for the country's economy in the long term, with the economic machine stagnating.
Have you ever taken out a loan and halfway through couldn't pay it back? Or failed to pay off a credit card debt and the interest ended up snowballing? The result is always your name being blacklisted by Serasa, making it difficult to buy credit cards.
With these people in mind, who account for around 30 million Brazilians in debt, the federal government has launched the Desenrola Brasil programme, which promises to change this scenario and help people in debt to clear their names.
The sole aim of Desenrola Brasil is to help Brazilians regularise their debts and to build a negotiating bridge between the debtor and the company that has been harmed in the process, in other words, the government will act as an intermediary for you to settle your debts while potentially reducing your exorbitant debt.
The programme launched in 2023 is aimed especially at individuals and covers two income bracket categories. In order to take part in the programme, the creditor company must join.
The aim of Desenrola Brasil is to reduce the number of people in debt in the country, providing more favourable conditions for Brazilians to pay off their debts and access credit in a more personally and financially healthy way.
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Registration for the programme is done online and began in 2023, being extended until May 2024. So if you're interested in paying off your debts through Desenrola Brasil, don't waste any time.
Here are some important details about the programme and how to take part and clear your name.
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How Desenrola Brasil works
Desenrola Brasil, created through a Provisional Measure, aims to simplify the renegotiation of debts between creditor companies, such as banks and financial institutions, and individuals with a negative CPF, with the aim of clearing their names.
The programme covers people with debts registered with the country's credit protection agencies, such as Serasa and SPC Brasil, from 01/01/2019 to 31/12/2022.
In operation since 17 July 2023, the programme aims to benefit around 30 million Brazilians, according to Federal Government estimates, contributing not only to people's financial lives, but also to boosting the economy.
Desenrola Brasil will work like an "auction of agreements", where companies that offer more advantageous discounts will have priority in renegotiating debts with consumers, divided into three phases: registration of interested banks, credit auctions and release for citizens to participate.
Financial institutions will be able to use a guarantee fund as security during auction negotiations. However, in order for users to take part in the programme, creditor companies must first join Desenrola Brasil.
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Programme participation criteria
The programme is aimed at individuals, i.e. companies are not included. To take part in the programme, individuals will be divided into two benefit bands, see below:
Band 1: Income up to 2 minimum wages:
- Aimed at people with an income of up to two minimum wages or who are registered with the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programmes (CadÚnico).
- Debts cannot exceed R$ 5,000 and can be renegotiated.
- This includes bank and consumer debts, such as water, electricity, telephone and retail purchases.
- It is possible to renegotiate payroll loans, but debts related to rural credit, property financing, real guarantees or funding operations are not permitted.
Band 2: Income of up to R$ 20 thousand:
- Aimed at people with a monthly income of up to R$ 20 thousand.
- Only bank debts can be renegotiated.
- It is not possible to renegotiate debts with retailers, water, electricity and telephone companies, among others.
Not included in the programme
Under the Desenrola Brasil programme, the following debts cannot be renegotiated:
- Debts related to rural credit;
- Debts guaranteed by the Union or public entities;
- Debts in which the credit risk is not fully assumed by the financial agents;
- Debts that require public funds;
- Debts with interest rate equalisation carried out by the Federal Government.
Banks registered with Desenrola Brasil
Not all the banks have signed up to the programme; so far 10 banks have confirmed:
- Bank of Brazil
- Itaú
- Bradesco
- Federal Savings Bank
- Inter Bank
- MercadoPago
- Pan Bank
- PicPay
- C6 Bank
- Nubank
How to register for the programme
To register for the Desenrola Brasil programme, follow these steps:
- Visit the official website of the Federal Government.
- Click on "Sign in with gov.br".
- Enter your CPF number to create a new account or log in if you already have an existing account.
- If the programme is available to you, the registration tab will be visible in your account.
- You must have a silver or gold level account to access the register.
- To increase your account level, follow these steps:
- When you log in via the app, click on "Increase your level" and then on "Trust seals".
- Log in with your bank account to increase the account level.
- Those interested can also register in person at INSS branches.
- Remember that registration for the programme will be available from September 2023. Keep an eye on the Desenrola Brasil calendar.
Desenrola Brasil 2024 schedule
The Desenrola Brasil timetable was due to end in 2023, but the federal government has decided to extend it until 20 May 2024 for Track 1 of the programme. This track is aimed at those with a monthly income of two minimum wages or less, as well as those enrolled in the Federal Government's Single Registry for Social Programmes (CadÚnico), who have debts of up to R$20,000. The second extension of Desenrola was authorised by Provisional Measure (MP) No. 1,211/2024.
There is still no confirmed date as to whether the programme will have a 2024 version or one in the next few years.
The stages of the 2023 programme:
July 2023: registration of banks and financial institutions in the programme (citizens do not participate)
August 2023: credit auctions (citizens do not participate)
September 2023/May 2024: citizens sign up to the programme to negotiate their debts.
The programme Unwind Brazil has the potential to significantly benefit the Brazilian population, reducing the number of people with restrictions on their names and improving the quality of life of families in vulnerable situations.
The programme's simplified approach makes it easier for people to pay off their debts and clear their names. Although few banks have joined the programme so far, more companies are expected to participate in the future. However, it is important to maintain financial control after paying off debts and avoid getting into further debt.
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